• Preparation of certified recovery plans according Article 67, paragraph 3, letter d, R.D. 16-03-1942 n. 267 and related reports on the truthfulness of company data and plan feasibility;
  • Preparation of Debt Restructuring Agreements according Article 182-bis, R.D. 16-03-1942 no. 267 and related certification of feasibility of the restructuring agreement
  • Drafting of tax and social security transactions according Article 182-ter, R.D. 16-03-1942 n. 267
  • Preparation of preventive agreements according Article 160, R.D. 16-03-1942 n. 267 and related reports on the truthfulness of company data and feasibility of the agreed plan
  • Assistance in the preparation of bankruptcy and out-of-court settlements
  • Assistance in the filing of bankruptcy petitions by insolvent companies and assessment of civil and criminal risks arising from the declaration of bankruptcy.
  • Assistance in the negotiated settlement of business crises

Resolving and overcoming business crises requires different strategies based on identifying and managing the underlying causes.

Using the tools provided by current legislation, we intervene with aiming to solve business crisis situations and safeguarding the value generated by the entrepreneur. We deal with: