We’ve been operating for more than twenty years as tax, accounting and corporate advisors, providing our support in relation to transactions – corporate, industrial, reorganization and restructuring – in italy but also crossborder. We’ve drafted opinions and ruling request. We provide continuous assistance to our clients during the course of tax audit and settlments proceedigs with the italian tax administration.


Our professionals work closely each other into anenvironment that is ideally suited to carry out their professional activities without simply following standards procedures and protocols, as a result we are able to ptovide tailor made services designed to satisfy the specific requirement of the single client. The size and nthusiasm of our team has enabled the Firm to gain a wide experience in many areas of the profession, in tax matters and in the economic ones more and more connected to the first. Through the collaboration with the lawyers working into our structure with a specific background in various areas of thee legal knowledge (labour law, financial markets law, civil law, family law) we are able to deliver a sinergic support to our clients. Moreover our Firm has developped a wide professional network at national and international level.


We’ve chosen to preserve the dimension and the vision of a boutique improving our specialization in the more and more complex tax area. We’ve been always sensitive to the themes of the sustaibability, we follow the evolution of the national and international debate over it and of the various related developments contributing to study groups and through a sensitization of our clients with a view of an improvement of their competitiveness.

Our team is based in Milan and Bergamo, but we operate nationwide. Moreover, thanks to our collaboration with other professional networks and the geographic diversity of our team members, we also operate internationally, both in Europe and beyond, with a solid understanding of local regulations and practices.